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Mendix Widget 만들기 - 칸반보드 이번에는 위젯으로 칸반보드를 만드는 방법 입니다. https://medium.com/@joe.robertson_mx/build-widgets-in-mendix-with-react-part-3-kanban-2598aa71444d Build Widgets in Mendix with React Part 3 — Kanban Mendix is the number one low code platform, which allows makers to develop applications considerably faster than traditional coding. medium.com 1. 템플릿 작성 yo @mendix/widget kanban 옵션은 기본으로 하되, TypeScript 로 합니다! 2. Kanban...
Mendix Widget 만들기 - Timer 저번 위젯에 이은 두번째 튜토리얼의 따라하기 요약입니다! https://medium.com/mendix/build-widgets-in-mendix-with-react-part-2-timer-b65c720b34e3 Build Widgets in Mendix with React Part 2 — Timer Mendix enables Makers to extend their application using React through the Pluggable Widgets framework. medium.com 1. 프로젝트 생성 yo @mendix/widget Timer Timer.editorPreview.tsx 파일 삭제 tests/testProject 에 멘딕스 프로젝트 생성 2. 소스 수정 Timer.xml..
Mendix Widget 만들기 - Colour Counter 출처 https://medium.com/mendix/build-widgets-in-mendix-with-react-part-1-colour-counter-f1e400c3cdff Build widgets in Mendix with React — Part 1 — Colour Counter Mendix is a low code platform that lets makers deliver value faster and build applications easily. With Mendix the frontend can be… medium.com 해당 링크에 있는 내용을 따라하며 요약한 내용입니다~! 실행 환경 노드 버전 입니다~! node -v 18.17.1 1. Mendix 위젯 생성 관련 툴 설치 yeoman..
